Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"The Passion of the Christ"

I think it is equally important to hear from those of us who made the choice not to go and see. Unity embraces not the need to reflect and gorge upon what the fundamentalists do so well, the perceived pain and suffering of "God's only Son" who then died for our sins by somehow placating a God that still was hung up on Adam and Eve's faults. I answer those who say that I cannot make such a judgment call without seeing the film for myself. I choose not to go to a bullfight, cockfight, dogfight or boxing match because I don't feel the need for this level of "entertainment." I would not go and see an execution as well. If God is but Love, and if, as New Thought and Unity teaches, is example and not exception, then the whole of Holy Week, specifically the crucifixion is on a completely different level than human consciousness can comprehend. Think of the control Jesus had over the dream of humanhood to do what He did. If God be but Love, could not he have done what He did minus the need for personal pain, yet poignant enough to leave an indelible record of what is greater than the worst the world can do? The crucifixion was the worst that the then world could do, but Jesus was not of the world...He told us that. To see the movie is to revel in the filmmaker's ignorance of a man who was perceived as a victim...not the Jesus I know. If God is but Love and I yet perceive pain and unkind judgments toward mankind from God--and if I go out of my way to feed these beliefs and images through events such as this motion picture, and yet claim to be in New Thought (Unity), perhaps I need to re-look and reexamine what I believe.


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the movie, not because I needed to experience the sensationalized aspect of the traditional story, but just because. I came away calling this movie "The Mashin' of the Christ."


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