Every Easter we are faced with many choices. We can submit to the many who think that the only begotten of God was brutally murdered to placate a vengeful God, who after "paying the price" for the ongoing guilt that humankind inherited from the sins of Adam and Eve, was then allowed to ascend into heaven to forever sit forever at the right hand of an anthropomorphic God...OR we can reinforce the Truth of the pure Being-ness that we share with our Elder Brother and now apply this to ancient man's attempt to see an event that they couldn't understand save through their own experience and fears; and what else could they do...
No longer do we have a fearful God, but an eternal existence of a Source that is pure love itself that can never condemn or hold us in anything but adoration, for we are this very Self in expression in us and as us. Jesus captured this understanding of who and what He and God (Source) is, and once you really get that message, you have to live from within its premise...humankind feared this power, yet by orchestrating the crucifixion He left an indelible trail of what Power-Love can accomplish and do, and the non-reality of death. Did He suffer on the cross? Why would He? What would be served? Accepting the imagery of the cross, by this time in His ministry if He didn't have control over the body He wore, then He isn't Who and What we think Him today to be.
Lovely post. As always, I enjoyed it. Blessing to you.
Larry, I love your thoughts. I do have a question though? Why do we pray and are out prayers really answered?
correction -our
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