Thursday, July 09, 2009

What IS!

"What-is has no bearing on what is coming unless you are continually regurgitating the story of what is. By thinking and speaking more of how you really want your life to be, you allow what you are currently living to be the jumping-off place for so much more. But if you speak predominantly of what-is, then you still jump off —but you jump off into more of the same." Abraham

How many times have we heard something similar, and yet how many times (perhaps) do we yet catch ourselves stirring around in what-is-itis? There is always something that "is," for each moment is an "is" moment, yet the question we can always ask ourselves, "Do I want to jump into more duplications of this what is moment or do I want to begin a new scenario by beginning to speak more of how I really want my life to be? In this vibrationally based universe, our present is's have come about because they all somehow match the vibrational signatures we have offered. Using a tuning fork as an example, if our vibratory signature "tuning fork" is continually emanating a frequency that attracts similarly frequencied events and circumstances...even people...that we are not pleasing, doesn't it stand to reason that our opportunity is to begin to strike a different note by thinking and speaking of what we want to see, do and have? Eventually we will see the folly in doing the same thing and expecting different results!


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