Saturday, May 14, 2005


Another mistaken thought...prayer isn't for God, prayer is for us and is a way of centering the mind and heart in what has already been given or extended. Remember, there isn't a God "out there" somewhere Who is waiting to be convinced with promises that are seldom kept, but an ever present essence of pure Being that is within the center of our beingness. It is we who accept our true heritage of Life, Love, Peace, Abundance and Joy, or who hold it at arms length because of feelings of unworthiness and separation. So, correctly understood, prayer isn't a "Dear God, please come and do," but the everpresent thought that our very Soul expresses of "Thank you, dear God, for Your presence within me as the Life of the body, the Abundance of my finances, the Love that fills my world and the Joy that forever unfolds me." You are so very worthy of all of the Kingdom...and, you don't have to wait to go anywhere for it, for it is now right where you are!


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