Saturday, May 14, 2005


So much controversy today about marriage and what it means as well as who it should include and exclude. I am married to a beautiful woman, very soon this May for 42 years. Out of our marriage have come 3 fantastically wonderful children all hovering close to 30 years of age. In our case our children came through adoption, 2 from Vietnam and one from a local hospital here in Tucson. I say these things because another's choice as to what marriage might mean to them and their life has no impact on me and my marriage whatsoever. Thus said, if same gender couples who love each other want to enter into a legal and contractual agreement that gives them the same rights as opposite gender couples, I find no fault with it. "But it says that it is wrong in the Bible," my clergy brethren might say. Well, it says many things in the Bible and much of it was for very contemporary reasons and purposes. I say, if Love is present, then who am I to tell someone who deeply loves another that it is sinful or wrong. Embrace who and what you are. If another is simply being who and what they are, if you go out of your way to do anything, let it be to understand and to love, not to condemn.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Larry Swartz said...

great work!


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