Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Guess where your today came came from a belief that was allowed to become a truth that you held yesterday. Will your tomorrow be different? Not unless you examine a present belief that became a truth that isn't serving you with life, light, abundance, peace and joy, and make a change. Indeed, we are the creators of our own reality, and while initially a difficult pill to swallow, accepting it becomes the fast track into the unlimited good that is literally waiting at our doorstep. If we do nothing, which is to say to meander through life as if it were a spectator sport and not as an active participant, what is presently present will be perpetuated, for Source Energy always moves through us (consciousness) that in turn has a vibratory signature that bonds to events, personalities, experiences and things that are singing the same melody, so to speak. Re-examine the opportunities to appreciate even the things that are not yet in your tangible experience, for giving frustrating energy to something not present with all the reasons as to why will not change the course of your moving upstream away from the good you seek, and guess what? Tomorrow will be just like today.


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