Every stick has two ends
Every subject we think of or speak to can be likened to a two ended stick, on one end can be thought to be the things we want to experience and have, while on the other end can be found energies around our not experiencing or having the very same things. What I am learning is the absolute need on our part to give energy (thought and feeling) only to what it is we want to experience and have, and not to dilute this with energy spent toward our not having or being where and what we want. "I seek and behold myself being in the flow of Source Energy (God) that manifests through me as (vibrant health, abundant supply, perfect relationships...)." Then sometimes the thought, that becomes feeling, that then almost always manifests as conversation, "But the body is sick, the pocketbook is empty and my marriage sucks." This may all be presently true, but to beat that drum but assigns more energy to it and consequently brings more of it to pass in our lives. Yes, the other end of the stick might be presently present, but to consciously direct energy and emotion through us toward what we want, even seeking to ignore the seeming evidence to the contrary, brings us the quicker into alignment with the fulfillment of our dreams and desires. We are the authors of our own reality, and purposeful thought and feeling is the way we allow our ship of state to turn and flow with the good that is always flowing from God. So, watch which end of the stick you are using to beat your drum.
Eloquently written! Thank you for this insight. I just received this quote today and was wondering how to wrap my mind around it. This settled my thoughts. Thanks Larry!
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