Friday, May 16, 2008


"Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you are appreciating, you are planning...What are you planning?"

Another Abraham. Indeed, if Life is Consciousness, and as creators of our own reality within the workings of the Law of Attraction we are always in a planning mode, and the only fertile field where this can happen is in the ever renewing moments we call "now," is there not a strong indication of the intelligence of appreciation, thankfulness, expectation and even hope to be sensed? You may think you have legitimate things that are worrisome, yet giving energy in this direction is to not give energy to the story of how you want things to be. Begin to tell another story. Find things, conditions and events to appreciate, this very simple exercise will begin to re-write the script of your life.


At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound as though you have studied Buddhist "mindfulness"......
But other than that, I have always wanted to talk to someone about the concept of the law of attraction and the idea that we create what happens to us by drawing certain vibrations to us by our thoughts. Looking at the recent horrible natural disasters in China, Burma and US which destroyed so many (and 2 years ago my town and home were flooded.), I can't stand to think they "drew those events to themselves" - that they are therefore responsible for bad things that happen to their families. After the flood I felt I had failed-with all my years of spiritual, metaphysical and personal searching I still failed in some way....or no flood would have happened. That philosophy makes me depressed when I get focused on it. I am a believer when positive synchronist things are happening.....but when the big bad disasters happen I really wonder about the "Attraction Law".
Thank you for your thoughts.Laurel


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