Stay Centered
Suggest, if you have not already done so, set aside a time and write or type a one page (or paragraph) manifesto of how you would want things in your life to be. Include you desires and dreams, hopes and plans. Then, if you feel yourself getting caught up in an outer picture (whatever that is) that isn't peace filled, endeavor to pivot your mind into something that brings you into a better space. Re-read your manifesto, speak your words of positive reflection: Things always work out for me. In my tuned in, tapped in, turned on state of mind, I am more powerful than all who are not. I have access to unlimited Source-Energy and if channels change, I choose peace. Greater is the activity of Source within me than all the foolishness of the world. I am always in my right and perfect place at my right and perfect time.
Don't just blindly soak in things that don't make you feel good. Take action, be responsible for your own ship of state. You can turn off the TV or change channels. You can terminate a conversation of doom and gloom. You can make the choice of what energies you are making part of your vibratory signature. You can!
Thank you-your concrete suggestions about using positive reflections consciously are well suited for me. I can do that, I have done that..... and needed the reminder.
I grew up with the old New England habit of anticipating the worst, to be prepared. I find that in spite of the last 25 years of changing my lifestyle and integrating metaphysical beliefs, I still at times regress to feeling it is helpful to think the old way to avoid pitfalls. ...pragmatic smarts! But then the rut grabs me in a depressing spiral down and I have to make a conscious effort to stop. In addition, though I begin to be aware of enjoying inner peace, I am also often distracted by something terrible happening to someone else somewhere. Once again I will question the Law of attraction/consciousness, saying it can't cannot be that their thinking/life attracted this horror to their life--child kidnapped, village bombed, etc...If my life is so blessed, which it really is, even when MY positive thinking and positive reflections are so lacking, why do they suffer- while I am blessed in spite of....! I am no better. It is very hard to accept that where we are is just perfect for each of our individual growth needs...but I suspect that is the answer.
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