Thoughts that think...
"As you perceive something, you give birth to a thought, and this thought now thinks. Now that it exists, now that it has been conjured, now that it has been focused, now it vibrates. Now, by Law of Attraction, other thoughts that are vibrationally same will come to it. So it begins its expansion immediately."
Another quote from Abraham ( Can you imagine how our lives would have been different were we told this basic premise of how things work when we were very young? As words reflect thought, had someone been present to lovingly say, "Beloved son or daughter, is this something you want more of in your life? Then to gently bush away our probably response, "But it is here in my life or in my world as I perceive it," with a "Perhaps, but does viewing it give you good feelings? Do you feel warm and cozy as you spend time in the fray?" So, early on we would learn the technique of consciously changing our point of focus to something that allows us to feel good...even joyful. Now this, as Abraham has said, becomes a thought that "thinks," which means its energy is proliferating itself along the vector of the original thought...thankfulness and appreciation become stronger in the vibratory signature of the thinker, as would the opposites. What then happens? The Law of Mind Action as Unity has called it, (Abraham calls it The Law of Attraction) reaches out for other thoughts that are vibrationally the same, and the "dance" begins, except now we are "dancing" or experiencing with vibrational equivalents that are on the same wave length as our original thought.
This is how everything is what it is in our lives as well as in the world. So, if something doesn't give nice, happy and joy-filled vibes, don't go there and dip into it. Purposefully dip into something that is positive and beat that drum. As much as you can, ignore what doesn't carry with it positive and happy energy, and instead reach for what does...for remember, this thought that you are embracing into your consciousness will begin to "think" along a consciousness-vector that will bring more of its kind into your life. We are the creators of our own reality, so our choice can be to be more at the helm of our ship of state than a mindless participant.
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