Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Heaven and Hell

Alright, let's get this one straight...finally. Friends, heaven and/or hell are not pieces of celestial or very warm real estate, they are terms for states of consciousness. Hell is the result from beliefs in separation from God. Heaven is the result of approaching the eternal Idea of Oneness with God. Now, we are always someplace, so in this context the experience that resembles hell or heaven is a place, but only because we are there and we always take ourselves with us. Ask yourself...would Love create a place of eternal punishment and fire because He/She got ticked at something you did? don't have to wait to be in heaven, or hell for that matter. You do it now for there is only now. I have said many times, there is never anywhere for us to go, just something for us to be. Entertain making Love your decision. Ask the indwelling presence of God (some call this the Holy Spirit) for more insight into your Oneness with Her. Choose forgiveness, understanding, acceptance and similar things. Go in!


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