Saturday, June 04, 2005


Sometimes we forget to question the most important things in our lives assuming that what we once believed or were taught is totally correct. If this were unquestionably held to, we would all be members of the Flat Earth Society. Pushing the point, if we were taught that 2 plus 2 equaled 5 and attempted to live our life based on this possibility we would find challenges all over the entire spectrum of our existence. Eventually a light would go on and we would seek for why nothing was working. Generally we are slow to do this in our lives for the majority of us make the sweeping assumption that our belief system and values, because someone taught them to us, are right and without the need for review or change. I would say that if anything in our lives right now are not expressing abundance, life, peace and joy that somewhere we are holding to be true the equivalent of 2 plus 2 equaling 5. These qualities of abundance, life, peace and joy are normal and a part of our true nature. If they are not found within your experience of life, begin a gentle search for a belief about the self or God that is not true, for if we hold even an untruth to be true, we will experience an expression of this untruth somewhere in our lives. What if you began to look at everything and anything with a willingness to accept that you probably really don't know what it means, only then to ask Spirit (God) for a new insight? Express to the Universe that you are willing to be taught anew and then be open and receptive to how the Universe will express back to you through perhaps a book, a conversation or a lecture. We can either be happy or right. The choice is always ours.


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd like to be happy AND right, if you don't mind, Reverend. Can I call you Reverend?

And what happened to my pants?

I just don't understand these things.


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