Do you know that you have never failed? Divorce, bankruptcy, employment matters...anything! All we ever experience are either what we term happy successes or unhappy successes, but never a failure, for because our life is just and only our consciousness in expression, we always manifest exactly what we have decreed. How powerful we are! So, you have a few unhappy successes in your life, what do you do? First, embrace them and claim the outcome as a choice you made. And, if you would but know it, each "happy" or "unhappy" success is cosmically neutral, but awaiting your pronouncement upon them. You see, if you do not embrace them they will always be an adversary in your mind and will stand in the way of new and better choices. In each unhappy success that we experience there are things we can learn about ourselves and how life works. True? Then, prior to moments of decision in future choices, enlist the Source of Infinite Intelligence within you. Some call this the Holy Spirit. A wise metaphysician once cautioned, "Never go out into your day in just your humanhood." Don't fall into the trap of placing responsibility for any happy or unhappy success on something outside of you. Claim self-responsibility, smile, learn, and move onward to new and more wonderful moments.
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