Religiosity vs Spirituality
I'm going to get myself into trouble, but I'll do it anyway. Religiosity is anything that has been added to the broad definition of God as but Love that now imposes rules, regulations, questionable standards and a human hierarchy. You see, God doesn't care (here just the word care implies a Being somewhere with very human traits of liking, disliking, caring and non-caring, and this isn't what I am seeking to do, but we are stuck with words...) anyway, God doesn't care what length hair one has, whether or not any specific part of the body is covered (society might), if make-up is used or not used, a beard is present or absent, if one is baptized or not, or even if one goes to Church or not. And, it is for sure that God doesn't demand or even acknowledge rules that give men priority over women and allow them to be treated as chattel or objects of pleasure. Spirituality, on the other hand, is a gentle journey that one makes into the inner chamber of the mind and heart where acceptance and love is one's standard for the self, and forms the basis for his/her approach to all life. Spirituality recognizes only the God self and the good self for each and all. Spirituality is being open and receptive to the inner guidance of Spirit seeking yet greater ways to promote peace. Religiosity is promoted and taught by those who know not and know not that they know not. Shun them, their agenda is hidden and questionable.
Larry, I like your comments on relitiosity, right down to the last sentence...which surprised me. Who are we to judge if they are fools and that their agenda is hidden. Perhaps their agenda is hidden, or as you say, perhaps they know not what they do. I am sure that they speak to many at the level that they can hear, can understand.
If we see all as neutral and as interesting and even as good in the universe, then we can not judge them as being fools. Maybe not the path we want to follow, but for others at this time and place, a good thing.
Larry, thank you for your concept, it gave me light !!
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