Your Right Place
Have you ever affirmed I am always in my right and perfect place at the right and perfect time? Borrowing a term, that is a good drum to beat within consciousness, for it is a kind of "plug in" that we bring into our innermost being that brings us into conscious awareness of the activity of Source Energy (God) as It expresses through us. It is almost like we are giving permission for a new level of awareness to bless us. Assuming you have made this affirmation, what is it that we then many times do? Stuck in traffic we begin to beat on a different drum...the drum of the stupidity of the drivers in front us, the inane programmer of the length of time the red light stays on, and so forth. No. If we embrace the Law of always being in our right place at the right time, we then trust this activity for to disengage from it short circuits the blessing of knowing that we have affirmed. Trust! What might have been down the road that we are not there to meet, for the Law engaged will always buffer our journey. Then extrapolate the other affirmations often made...There is but one Presence, one Power, God the good omnipotent. What about Iraq or Aruba? Beat the drum of Iraq and Aruba and you have lost your peace. Be selfish in your spirituality. You cannot fix another, let alone another nation. So, watch what drum you are beating, for it will be yours.