Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Do you ever find yourself in a moment of giving an undeserved amount of attention and energy to the one thing in your life that isn't working at that one moment? So often this is what we unwittingly do. Why? Because we have allowed ourselves to forget that this is an energy based universe and by the unfailing Law of Attraction we are literally asking for more of what we don't want and like. "But," you might say, "this is what is!" This may indeed be true, but do you want more of what is, or more of what you really want? Practice giving the energy of thought and feeling to what you want to have and be, and less to what "is" that doesn't make you feel good, and the sooner you will be where you want to be. Remember, this is a energy based universe (life is consciousness) and we always have access to what is even just a little bit happier and more positive.


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