To Be Or Not...
Remember, because this is an energy based universe, if we don’t like where we are, the only profitable thing we can do is leave the realm of action and give energy toward seeking a feeling that turns our boat downstream where our greater good always is. It probably was the arena of action, or striving to go upstream that got us into the challenge in the first place. We will always know if and when action is necessary for it will be preceded with an emotion that makes us feel good. The more we can be sensitive to how we are feeling the more we will be aware of our chosen position within the Energy flow that is Source. So, to think of our emotions/feelings as the Holy Spirit that is always "talking" to us, gives us indication to bask in the present thought pattern, or to reach for a thought that moves us to a better emotional or feeling posture. A simple thought to keep in our quiver of available thoughts toward which to turn is Things always work out for me. Even if things do not appear to be doing so, to move to that thought is to make a radical adjustment in the energy signature we are always projecting as a creator and hence to again flow with the divine current and not against it.
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