"If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all you'd need."
More wisdom from Abraham. Want to prove something wonderful in your life? Give this the test and just watch what happens. Judiciously make a loving effort to make appreciation your norm as you walk through your day. Remember, appreciation is a cause, not an effect that only cuts in once something wonderful happens. As you awaken in the morning initiate a process that will become a habit as you spend a few moments and allow the mind to reach out to find things to appreciate. Large things, inconsequential things, it doesn't matter, for the Universe reads the energy of appreciation not the item, person or thing toward which it is directed. This is a downstream exercise and remember, nothing you every want to do, be or have is upstream. You will discover more and more that indeed, everything always works out for you; indeed, seas part for you; indeed, the cattle on a thousand hills are yours, and more. If you catch yourself finding things that are wrong or not wanted and stirring around in them, consciously reach for something--anything--wherein the mind can feel appreciation. Become proactive and the stream will carry you the quicker to everything that you have ever wanted to do, be or have. It is law.