Deliberate and on purpose...
"The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you."
Short and to the point from an Abraham workshop. We are always adding to our vibrational signature to which the Universe (Source-Energy...God) responds. Almost always there is a time delay, and thankfully so, but as we realize that everything in our lives right now, without exception, is the coalesced version of a like frequencied variation of what we have placed in our vibrational signatures, we will become more and more purposeful in what we are embracing. If a thought or practice of another, or event in the world is giving you a "dark taste in your mouth," then don't focus upon it...go to where you can dance with an idea or thought of something that makes your heart sing, and when these vibrations bring things of their kind, rejoice in what you have done.
It has always bothered me that the Law of Attraction is described as "like" attracting "like" as in the physical world. But with magnets, in physics, "like" repels "like"....north side of magnet repels north side of another magnet. Would you help me with this contradiction? L
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