Friday, December 12, 2008


"It is very difficult to understand what anybody else's experience is. There aren't enough words to really understand what anybody else is living. Physical beings want things to be the same. They want people to think the same. You work rather hard at sameness, but you will never win that battle, because from Nonphysical, diversity is known to be the most beneficial part of the game."

Abraham...obviously. Do you ever catch yourself thinking you know what is best for someone else, or wanting things to remain the same from one whatever to the next whatever? As Abraham would then say, "How's it working out for you?" An ongoing opportunity is to stay as centered in our personal desires to be ever increasingly tuned in, tapped in and turned on to Spirit and to then leave everyone else out of the picture, for any energy we give toward another seeking to make them conform or wanting the status quo of our lives to remain the status quo forever drains the energy we could use in a far more profitable way. Isn't the key to trust our own guidance system and to know that the same guidance system is firmly in place for everyone else, and to not second guess what their greater good is? Maybe?


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