Imaging Power
"We're going to give you a very powerful statement: Everything that you will some day live, in terms of life experience -- and by some day, we mean as soon as right now, tomorrow, the next day, or some day -- anything that you will some day live, you have first imagined. Because nothing will manifest in your experience without the imagination process happening first." Abraham
As Unity has taught, everything is first held in mind, that then becomes an idea, that then finds eventual expression. Abraham calls this process imagination, that will be fulfilled and placed in one's spiritual "escrow" account, there to abide until the asker comes up to vibrational speed to the original desire. So, what can you imagine? Don't couple it with who, when or why, but just a desire for whatever to find a rendezvous with your journey. Visit it often, but only if visiting it doesn't bring up feelings of its manifestation not being there hence anxiousness or doubt. Today, we each might hold fulfillment in our imagination. We might hold our always being in our right and perfect place that is un-affected by the foibles of humankind in our imagination. If you can dream it, the Universe is capable of bring it to you.