"Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want." ...Abraham
Could it truly be as simple as this? I hear being said a restatement that the Realm of Source responds primarily, if not only, to the vibrational signature we are offering, and if we become so focused on an energy that is actually fixated on what we want to be, do and have...not what is...that the juggernaut will begin to reverse course and what we dream and desire will then have to find its way into the realities we are creating. How? Affirmations of empowerment. Rampages of appreciation. Conversations with people who share this value system. Treasure maps as well as any of the other techniques spoken to in their book Ask and It Is Given.
Things always work out for you! You can never get it wrong because you never get it done! The cattle on a thousand hills are yours! Seas part for you! You are unquestionably worthy of full access to a Universal storehouse that knows not the meaning of shortage. Yes?