Life among others
"Other's Opinions Are Less Important Than My Personal Guidance System... You did not intend to use the opinions of your parents to measure against your beliefs, desires, or actions in order to determine the appropriateness of them. Instead, you knew (and still remembered, long after you were born) that it was the relationship between the opinion (or knowledge) of the Source within you and your current thoughts, in any moment, that would offer you perfect guidance in the form of emotions. You did not intend to replace your Emotional Guidance System with the opinions of your parents even if they were in harmony with their Emotional Guidance System in the moment of their trying to guide you. It was much more important to you to recognize the existence of your own Guidance System, and to utilize it, than to be deemed correct by, or to find approval from, others."...Abraham from the new book The Vortex.
Imagine how freeing it would be to truly internalize this idea...we would give up allowing others to be the object of our need to discover self-worth in ourselves. We would give up seeking to always please another by doing or seeking to do things that would be approved. Certainly, we would be thankful for each and every circumstance and environment that launched us into a new chapter of something we wanted to do, be or have, but then to recognize that "launch" implied flying solo, not in a forced formation. Certainly it is to relish moments when in tandem with another we can enjoy all aspects of their unique self, holding them not accountable for our well being or happiness, and not assuming the role of being accountable for theirs. These are great experiences, but the reason we came into physical expression is to chart our own course and learn to rely on our own emotional guidance system, not anyone else's.