Friday, September 24, 2010

Only you...

"There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded, in environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align with your desire—only you need to align with your desire." Abraham

We are a law unto our own selves. If indeed this is a vibratory based universe that is governed by the Law of Attraction, only what finds a handshake with what we are maintaining as our vibrational signature can find lasting resonance within our lives. Oh, we may have a burp or two along the path as something attempts to find entrance, but if we don't dance with its frequency, it will not find a willing and receptive host. How do we "dance" with these things? We stir around in conversations of ain't it awful, and look what they are doing to us. Stay centered in who you are. Give minimal energy, if any, to the foolishness of those who speak to gloom and doom. Revel in the understanding that there isn't anything to fix or make right...just a consciousness of joy and well being within which to stay centered. All is well. It's all good.

Friday, September 10, 2010


"You don't have to go back and deal with childhood issues, because those childhood issues produced a vibration within you that you are still offering -- which is producing today issues. You can shift your vibration a whole lot easier when you're dealing with today issues, than trying to deal with childhood issues. It's the same vibration. That vibration that was creating childhood issues, now it's creating today issues. Deal with it in your now. Which thought feels better? Which thought feels better? Which thought feels better?" Abraham

Isn't this a freeing thought? I know there are branches of psychology as well as other disciplines that say something else, but with the understanding of vibration as the core of absolutely everything, perhaps it makes sense that whenever we visit some ancient trauma that wasn't dealt with and drag its vibration into the now it just produces more pain. At another time Abraham said that every emotion has a set point and it is kept where we once left it. If something triggers a memory of it, to now become pro-active by taking it logically up the emotional scale to a point where it no longer is an point of not stir around in guilt, anger, shame or injustice for if that is revived within our present vibrational signature, guess what... Understanding this is freedom...there is only now!