Saturday, January 22, 2011

Transforming the Now Into Better

"Making Peace with My Today Will Improve My Future... It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current situation, you then release your resistance to the improvements that are waiting for you. But if you rail against the injustices of your current situation, you hold yourself in Vibrational alignment with what you do not want, and you cannot then move in the direction of improvement. It defies Law. In every particle of the Universe, there is that which is wanted - and the lack of it." Abraham

If this is a vibrationally based universe, then this really makes sense. If we are in a place/relationship/circumstance that we really do not like and fill our vibrational signatures with the energies of dislike for whatever, the law of attraction works proportional to the energies we input in order to fulfill more of the same. So we have a possible action step in our lives that will begin a transformational experience into our greater good. As Abraham states, if one can to shift one's energies into positive aspects of the place/relationship/circumstance. Dredge them up if necessary. If that isn't possible, to at least cease as much of the negative interaction with the place/relationship/circumstance as you can by not telling everyone about it, how unfair it is and how victimized you might feel. Circle the wagons around what you want by focusing outward, not be shooting inward.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Tragedy" in Tucson

It is now four days since what is being called the Tragedy in Tucson by some of the media. Gabrielle Giffords is doing far better than 95% of anyone who had the same experience so we anticipate for her a full recovery and a return to representing her constituents. The other people are in various stages of recovery and it looks good for each and every one. The six who had their physical lives interrupted, in my belief system, have entered into pure, positive and awakened awareness of their eternalness. Died or death is such a misnomer.
The ones who made their transition on that Saturday morning in a Safeway parking lot on the near northwest side of Tucson are just fine. Their eternalness didn’t miss a beat. Of course, it is the families and friends of the six that now are needing the gift of love and caring. It is the classmates of the 9 year old girl who are hurting. Time will give its gift and eventually the hurt will become less. But for now, the hurt is not going away anytime soon. And, at this point the media is reporting that the Kansas church group has decided against standing outside a Roman Catholic church during the services for the girl with signs indicating God’s hatred for Catholics. Their absence is good.
My belief system is valid for me and it reaches into the core of all happenings…the ones I like as well as the ones like last Saturday that strain at my sensibilities. Not seeing all the pieces to the infinite puzzle that is consciousness, I yet believe there are no accidents, luck or chance, just individuals rendezvousing with experiences that somehow reflect a level of orderliness that I am not privileged to see. I must believe this for the alternative is a universe of chaos, and that simply cannot be.
What brought these twenty some people together? The individual stories of many tell out of the ordinary circumstances…stories that bespeak of something operating behind the scenes…within consciousness…people who were involved as well as people who were who were able to give assistance such as an ER physician and an intern to Congresswoman Giffords. Everyone was somehow interconnected.
Our job as Unity people? As was said on the Sunday following the event, whatever the question, love is always the answer. In this as well as in similar it helps me to really know that there is always a process at work, and that within the process is always to be found good. If I do not initially see it, I know that at some point I shall. This I know—it is the backbone of my understanding and belief.
What about the young man who fired the bullets? Our judicial system will do its task. Ours is to love, for condemnation carries with it an vibrational frequency that will not draw unto us happy things. He, too, is the expression of God-Source-Energy who probably was never reminded of that as he grew, and who became fixated on things that then took him on a journey where his and others paths crossed. No one died. Six made a rather quick entrance into pure, positive Energy—some call that heaven and the only quarrel I have with that is a co-existing thought that it is a type of eternal lethargy…not so, just another space from which to again be launched
So, what happened on January 8th at about 10 am in a Safeway parking lot at Oracle and Ina? In an orderly way, the journeys of many lives crossed. The same law of attraction is working, usually with considerably less drama, as we are in traffic, as we have our own circle of friends as well as throughout all of our lives. Our constant reminder to self then, is to maintain our vibratory signature on the side of acceptance, love, appreciation and joy. These energies accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and anything in-between isn’t messed with.