Feeling Good
"Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel -- and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good." Abraham
Now they are meddling. :-) Yet, how often do we make another responsible for how we are feeling? Generally we see no challenge when this results in our making the choice to be happy or pleased, yet even this then sets the stage for our making the choice to not be happy or pleased when someone does something that we don't like...we can't really have one response without the other. One might ask, "How can I make the choice to feel good and be happy when they are doing this to me?" Understood to not always be the easiest of things to do. Begin to work with the thought that they are not as much doing it to you, as they are just doing it. Maybe you have chosen to engage their action more than required, and just maybe you can step back into a choice to do whatever to align the self with things that feel better. Just maybe... Remember, Abraham uses the word "practice" as relates to this process, and this is something we each can do.