Abundance in today's world
A weekly addendum
In our present moment, as with all moments, but in this red-hot moment we are faced with two alternatives. #1, we can buckle under to the fear of not-enough-ness, hoarding, prognostications of a devastated economy and more, and we can point to evidences of these things and say, But, they are true. Or, #2, we can realize that one who allows him/herself to be tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to the Truth of a Universe that knows not shortage or lack, thereby making that their primary vibrational signature that is offered to the Law of Attraction for fulfillment, that this awareness/knowledge makes us more powerful than millions who do not.
So, let’s watch what stories we are telling, for they are the blueprint that will be fulfilled and find evidence in our tomorrows. Argue for in inept government or president, argue for an economy that is teetering on the brink, argue for a world in dire straits, watch and listen to those who argue for these things and they become our own. Remember, the Kennedy children didn’t know a depression was happening. And, we have equal access to the abundance of the Kingdom, because like anyone who has walked the face of the earth we are also an extension of Source with unlimited access to it, whatever our names might be, but it won’t manifest through a consciousness of fear or apprehension.
Develop a personal story that, at the very least, you tell to yourself and to those who vibrate the same level of Truth with you. The cattle on ten thousand hills are mine, things always work out for me, I am continually astounded how quickly the Universe conspires with me to bring into manifestation all the good I seek. Remember, we always call the shots, don’t get trapped into letting another do it for us.