"The buffer of time gives you the opportunity to get it right before it manifests, to take pleasure from the vision and from the molding it into place... Can you imagine if everything was manifesting instantly? You would manifest this, and then you would manifest it away. And then you'd manifest that, and then... It would be a difficult thing if you were instantly manifesting every whim or every misaligned thought. It's so much better that you have this buffer of time where you can feel it into perfection before it manifests into your experience." Abraham
At another time I remember Abraham saying that this buffer of time is only here in the physical, not so in the non-physical. Fortunate for us! "Feel it into perfection," tells us to learn to trust the feeling or emotional feedback that each moment gives, and if a dream, desire or thought appears to carry along with it feelings that are not warm and happy, then this should eventually tell us that to doggedly pursue that path will result in a manifest something that won't be all that pleasant. Oh to remember this and practice it. We are the creators of our own reality and this is at the core of the process.