Thursday, July 29, 2010


"The buffer of time gives you the opportunity to get it right before it manifests, to take pleasure from the vision and from the molding it into place... Can you imagine if everything was manifesting instantly? You would manifest this, and then you would manifest it away. And then you'd manifest that, and then... It would be a difficult thing if you were instantly manifesting every whim or every misaligned thought. It's so much better that you have this buffer of time where you can feel it into perfection before it manifests into your experience." Abraham

At another time I remember Abraham saying that this buffer of time is only here in the physical, not so in the non-physical. Fortunate for us! "Feel it into perfection," tells us to learn to trust the feeling or emotional feedback that each moment gives, and if a dream, desire or thought appears to carry along with it feelings that are not warm and happy, then this should eventually tell us that to doggedly pursue that path will result in a manifest something that won't be all that pleasant. Oh to remember this and practice it. We are the creators of our own reality and this is at the core of the process.

Friday, July 23, 2010


"Many people protest when we explain to them the power of telling the story of their finances as they want it to be rather than as it is, because they believe that they should be factual about what is happening. But if you continue to look at factual what-is and speak of what-is, you will not find the improvement that you desire. If you want to effect substantial change in your life experience, you must think thoughts that feel different as you think them." Abraham

Of course this understanding would also be applicable with any subject and it reinforces the the awareness of the Energy Base where everything is linked together. We cannot continue to tell one story and expect another to manifest...even if it is "what-is." As with financial things, Abraham continually says we have to feel abundance before we can attract it into our lives...and, to second guess the how's (as in there's no way it can happen) throws the proverbial monkey wrench into the works. Ours is to focus on what we want to do, be and have...the Universe handles the rest. "I always have more than enough money to exceed every opportunity that comes my way." "But I don't! Do you want me to lie?" Call it what you will, but telling it like it is will plug more lack into your vibrational signature and it will draw from the Energy Base more of the same. Much like the insightful quote from Joel, Let the weak say I am strong, so let the financially challenged say I am wealthy.

Friday, July 16, 2010


"Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience. They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all. A million people could be pushing against you and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back. That million people pushing against you are affecting their millions of vibrations. They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction, but it does not affect you unless you push against them."--- Abraham

Then, assuming this is a correct understanding of how things work, wouldn't it also be true that everything in our lives at the present time is there because we made could be another's opinion or whatever...part of our vibrational signature and it simply found like frequencied things with which to decorate all aspects of what we presently call our lives? Anything you are pushing against or shouting "no" at? Remember, it isn't the words, its the focus. "But it's true!" "But it's wrong!" "But, it's not right!" That and more may be justified within our human adventure, but is it an essence-vibration we want to draw into our focus that will automatically use the one Law of Consciousness (Law of Attraction) that will bring more into our experience?

Friday, July 09, 2010


"When you think a thought of upliftment or abundance or Well-Being you are filled with a feeling of positive emotion. You may trust the way that you feel as the indicator as to which side of this subject (that is really two subjects) you are on. Whether it is the subject of money or lack of it, or health or lack of it, or a relationship or the lack of one—always, when you feel good, you are in the place of attracting that which you are wanting." Abraham

"I didn't trust my feelings," is something we often hear from people as they then relate an experience with an outcome that wasn't pleasing. As commercial aircraft and similar are fitted today with a device that warns of eminent collision by giving the pilot specific instructions so as to avoid another plane, Abraham tells us that our down deep gut instincts give us what amounts to anti-collision input, and to learn to trust this is a process that will steer us in happier moments and outcomes. This can be applied to the thoughts we are thinking as well as the various life choices that are always before us. To apply this calls for a pro-active stance on our behalf that is willing to #1, more deeply monitor our emotional I feeling good or bad in this thought, expectation, news item of whatever? And, #2, if "bad" or similar, to switch our focus to the other side of the subject in question which contains within it the attracting force that brings us what we truly want. Something we can do more?